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FCC tools in Livorno

Mar , 19
FCC tools in Livorno

Livorno, 25/03/2024 – 9.30-12.30; 14-16
Auditorium del Conservatorio Mascagni
Via Galileo Galilei, 40 Livorno

Fabio Cifariello Ciardi
FCC TOOLS – Patches Open Music for the production, filtering and transformation of musical data

The “FCC tools” library for Open Music has been developed by the author over the past decade. The library includes tools for harmonic expansion/reduction using constraints; pitch organizations based on statistical dispersion indices; algorithms for sensory dissonance measurement (based on Zwicker’s loudness model); microtonal approximation based on dissonance analysis. In the second part of the seminar, algorithms for prosodic transcription will be described.

How to participate

Participation is free of charge for students of the “P. Mascagni” Conservatory of Livorno and for students enrolled at conservatories and music high schools in Tuscany.

Attendance fee for external participants: € 50 daily
Fee for external auditors: € 20 per day
For information, registration and payment contact the Teaching Secretariat: segreteria@consli.it



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