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Architecture buro



A new publication for Accademia University Press

A new publication for Accademia University Press

Lorenzo Cardilli, Stefano Lombardi Vallauri (a cura di),
L’arte orale. Poesia, musica, performance.
Accademia University Press, Torino 2020.

Dalla prosodia alla musica strumentale_una sfida compositiva  (in Italian)

Composers of any age have been aware of the communicative and persuasive power of prosody. However, its compositional implementation has always been challenging: the more the speaker has to follow strict intonational contours or cadences, the less authentic and natural her/his voice will sound. Another approach that we will outline here has turned this limit into a resource: instead of bending the qualitative aspects of speech to the creative will of the composer, the musical material is mold on the structures of pre-existing verbal expressions. [more]

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