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Luigi Ceccarelli



Dissonanzen, Napoli – GLEAM DUO Ceccarelli Trovalusci

Nov , 1
Dissonanzen, Napoli – GLEAM DUO Ceccarelli Trovalusci

Napoli, November 6, 2021 – 6:30 pm
Complesso Monastico S. Maria in Gerusalemme
(detto le Trentatrè), via Armani 16
Sala Maria Lorenza Longo

Dissonanzen 2021 – BAGLIORI

Project Mystic Sounds
GLEAM . Electro Acoustic Music
Gianni Trovalusci flutes and sound tubes
Luigi Ceccarelli live elecronics

GLEAM was born from the meeting of two artists attentive to sound and its possible repetitions and mutations. The name is the basis of the very concept of a research honestly capable of indicating and marking a precise and defined direction: something ‘lights up’ internally and the adventure begins.
The dominant sound element of GLEAM‘s research is the Breath, which Trovalusci declines with various flutes and sound tubes and Ceccarelli mixes and transforms with live electronic processing.

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