01 / 01
Luigi Ceccarelli


Frilli Troupe [1986]

dance performance by ALTRO-Teatro
music for concrete and digital sounds
coauthor: Luca Spagnoletti

choreography: Lucia Latour
multivision: Bruno Magno, Elena Green, Luigi Ceccarelli

duration: 60′
commission: AltroTeatro

performers: AltroTeatro Dance Company
costums Roberta Lezzi


Jun 14 – 20, 86 – Roma, Teatro Spaziozero
Oct 27 – 28, 86 – Roma, Teatro Olimpico
Apr 21, 87 – Longiano, Teatro Petrella
May 13, 87 – Grosseto, Teatro Moderno
Jun 87 – Roma, Isola Tiberina
Jul 87 – Modena, Festival di Danza
Jul 87 – Chateauvallon, Toulon (Francia)
Nov 18, 87 – Cagliari
Nov 87 – Roma, Teatro La Piramide
Jan 88 – Rennes (Francia)
Jul 11, 88 – Bergamo, Teatro Sociale
Ago 28, 88 – Meldola, Arena Comunale, Danzaestate 88
Nov 01, 88 – Zagreb (Yu), National Theater
Apr 89 – Palermo
Dec 6, 89 – Narni (Tr), Teatro Comunale
Jun 27 – 30, 89 – Togliattigrad (URSS)
Dec 07 – 08, 89 – Firenze, Teatro Rifredi
Jul 29, 90 – Bologna, Festival di Danza
May 17 – 19, 91 – Milano, C.R.T., Teatro della XIVma

The imaginative path of frilli Troupe is the future with another idea of gravity. The fairytale atmosphere that reassures, instills hope, is to give constructive and vital emotions, against the destructive and alienating ones.
The show is divided into three situations: Amazement, Fear, Joy.

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