music for concrete sounds and instrumental sound organized by computer
musical assistant Tonino Battista
Edipan Edition
duration 65′
choreography Lucia Latour
scenography Gianfranco Lucchino
costums and make up Marina Lund
multivision Elena Green, Bruno Magno
light designer Loik Amelin
dancers Compagnia di danza AltroTeatro
Paola De Rossi, Catia Papa, Mariatullia Pedrotti,
Ketty Russo, Alessandra Sini, Augusto Terenzi
multivision realisation Kaleidos – Roma
scenes realisation C.I.S.,
photo Piero Tauro
production Città di Rovereto – Festival Oriente Occidente,
Scene Nationale d’Evry – Théatre de l’Agora – Evry,
Festival Romaeuropa, Altroteatro.
April 10-11, 92 – Evry, France, Theatre de l’Agora’-Scene Nationale d’Evry
May 12, 1992 – Poitiers, France, Scene Nationale de Poitiers;
July 15, 1992 – Roma, Villa Medici, Festival RomaEuropa
September 3-4, 1992 – Rovereto, Teatro Zandonai, Festival Oriente Occidente

Naturalmente tua is published on CD
CD Edipan PAN CD3054
La guerra dei Dischi / Naturalmente Tua
duration 74:50
1 – Alba (Sunrise)
2 – Mare I (Sea I)
3 – Uccelli (3 Birds solo)
4 – Stormi (Birds)
5 – Pesci I (Fishes I)
6 – Pesci II (Fishes II)
7 – Pesci III (Fishes III)
8 – Pesci IV (Fishes IV)
9 – Pesci V (Fishes V)
10 – Mare II (Sea II)
11 – Conchiglie (Shells)
12 – Luna (Moon)