01 / 01
Luigi Ceccarelli


Opus II [1997]

for magnetic tape
music for the short film "Opus II" (1921)
by Walter Ruttmann

duration 1’30”

Notes on making music

“Opus II” is a film of abstract shapes, featuring small, pulsating, soft sequences resembling enlarged microcellular life forms. These are contrasted by other sequences of pointed and hard shapes such as sharp points and very fast passages of crackling objects. The movements of the forms make up fast and lively rhythmic structures. The music follows the images in sync, and like these it is made up of two types of sounds: low and soft water bubbles and rhythmic blows

of recorder form polyrhythms that are opposed to sounds of rapid impact.
Sounds and images are always synchronized and underline each other in an abstract and ironic trend similar to that of cartoons.

“Filmstudie” and “Opus II” are part of “Diagonal Symphonie”, a series of 12 experimental films from the 1920s with music specially written and created by Luigi Ceccarelli, Roberto Doati,

Emanuele Pappalardo, Francesco Giomi, Gabriele Manca, Paolo Pachini, Riccardo Dapelo and Agostino di Scipio.
Eight composers superimpose their inventions on a gaze that no longer freely traverses motionless surfaces, but is led by the rhythmic succession of images; the music becomes optical, the eye follows it with infinite discards, the memory is added to that gaze, reassembles and returns the figures to the mind.


Aug 06, 97 – Novafeltria, Miniera, Sipario Ducale
Sep 06, Set 97 – Ferentino, (FR) Europa Festival, 97
Oct 16, 97 – Roma, Arte & Comunicazione, Palazzo delle Esposizioni
May 15 , 98 – Pescara, Festival Varianti, Accademia Musicale Pescarese
Jun 03, 98 – Bourges (France), Festival “Syntèse 98”, Maison de la Culture
Oct 27, 98 – Cordoba (Argentina), IX jornadas internacionales de musica electroacustica
Oct 98 – Buenos Aires (Argentina), Centro Cultural “La Recoleta”
Nov 23, 98 – Firenze, Tempo Reale
Nov 28, 98 – Roma, Festival Nuova Consonanza, Goethe Institut
Apr 08, 99 – Terni, Concerti Agimus, Cinema Fiamma d’Essay
May 13, 99 – Venezia, Fondazione Teatro la Fenice, Teatro Fondamenta Nuove
Nov 07, 99 – Stoccolma (Sweden), Memorie Sonore, Fylkingen
Nov 12, 01 – Gent (Belgio), IPEM, Universiteit Gent
Nov 25, 01 – Milano, Milano Musica, Musica in Video, Sala Puccini del Conservatorio
Sep 25, 05 – Lisbona (Portugal) Musica Viva Festival
May 18, 11 Jul 06 – Genova, Concerti GOG-Flauti Magici 2006, Casa Paganini
Mar 31, 07 – Ginevra (Swiss) “Archipel 07” Festival des musiques d’aujourd’hui, Teatro Pitoeff

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