nomination for the best music at
“Le Maschere del Teatro Italiano 2015” Prize
written and directed by Marco Martinelli
with Ermanna Montanari, Roberto Magnani, Alice Protto, Massimiliano Rassu
scenic incursion Fagio
sets and costumes Ermanna Montanari
costume assistant Roberto Magnani
lights Francesco Catacchio, Enrico Isola
editing and processing video
Alessandro Tedde, Francesco Tedde
sound realization EdisonStudio Rome
sound engineer Fagio
scenes realization technical team Teatro delle Albe
Fabio Ceroni, Enrico Isola, Danilo Maniscalco
masks realization Antonio Barbadoro
costumes realization ANGELO, Laura Graziani Haute Couture
linguistic advice Naing Lin Aung
production Teatro delle Albe – Ravenna Theatre
in collaboration with Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione

film projections
June 1st 2017, Bologna, Biografilm Festival, Cinema Arlecchino
July 17, 2017, Sansepolcro (AR), Teatro alla Misericordia, Kilowatt Festival
September 1st, 2017, Sarzana, Festival della mente
September 28, 2017, Pisa, Cinema Arsenale
November 9-15, 2017, Ravenna, Cinema City
December 11-12, 2017, Rimini, Cinema Giommetti Rimini, Cinema Multiplex Le Befane
January 11,2018, Milano, Arcobaleno Film Center , progetto Filmmaker club
January 16, 2018, Brescia, Cinema Nuovo Eden,
January 17, 2018 , Bergamo, Auditorium di piazza Libertà
January 28, 2018, Foligno, Re:act rassegna di teatro contemporaneo-Spazio ZUT
January 31, 2018, Cinema Esperia Padova
February 1, 2018, UCI Cinema Marcon (Ve)
February 7, 2018 Istituto Italiano di Cultura Parigi
February 13, 2018, Università Ca’ Foscari-Auditorium Santa Margherita Venezia
February 17, 2018, Cagliari, Teatro Massimo Cagliari
February 27, 2018, Parma Cinema Edison
April 14, 2022, Faenza, Il Masini, Ridotto
October 24, 25 – Modena, Theatre Herberia, Rubiera (Reggio Emilia) – VIE festival Modena
November 18 – December 14 (pause on Monday and Thursday) – Ravenna (Ita), Teatro Rasi
December 18 – 19 – Modena (Ita), Teatro Storchi
February 21 – Parma (Ita), Teatro al Parco,
February 27 – Udine (Ita), Teatro Palamostre
March 3 – 14, 2015 (pause 5 and 9) – Milano (Ita), Teatro Elfo Puccini
June 5, 6,2015 – Torino, Festival delle Colline Torinesi
July 16, 17, 18, 2015 – Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN), Festival del Teatro Internazionale in Piazza, Hangar Bornaccino
January 12 – 17, 2016 – Bergamo, Teatro Donizetti
January 22, 23, 2016 – Ferrara, Teatro Comunale
February 13, 14, 2016 – Reggio Emilia, Teatro Ariosto
April 13 – 17, 2016 – Roma, Teatro Argentina

February 17, 2018, Cagliari, Teatro Massimo Cagliari
February 27, 2018, Parma Cinema Edison
March 8-11, 2018, Matera, Cinema il Piccolo Matera
March 12, 2018, Cesena , Cinema San Biagio
March 14, 2018, Noto Teatro Tina di Lorenzo
March 16, 2018, Catania, Teatro Coppola, Teatro dei Cittadini
March 27, 2018, Giometti Cinema-CinePalace Riccione
April 20 , 2018, Bologna, Cinema Lumière
April 25, 2018, LAC Lugano, LuganoInScena, LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura
April 28, 2018, Napoli Casa Morra, Museo Madre Napoli
May 3, 2018, Lanciano, Ciak City Cinema, all’interno di Metafestival
May 10, 2018, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila L’Aquila, Auditorim del Parco
May 11, 2018, Pescara, Auditorium Petruzzi, MattFestival
June 24, 2018 ore 18, Auditorium G. Paolo II, Piove di Sacco. Scene di Paglia
July 4 , 2018, BCT Benevento Cinema e Televisione, Giardini De Simone
September 10 , 2018, Roma, Short Theatre Festival, La Pelanda Studio 1
October 28,2018, Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest, Palazzo dei Congressi
November 15, 2018, Cinema Apollo 11
January 17, 2019, Cinema Odeon Vicenza, sala Lampertico
“Everything starts from the question with which this Life opens: is Burma far away? Obviously not. It is ‘not far from here’, like every place on the planet. Burma in our Life is a mask to talk about us too. the far to find it surprisingly ‘next’.
There is something scandalous in the life of Aung San Suu Kyi: mildness of steel, compassion, ‘goodness’, a term that would have made Bertolt Brecht turn up his nose. Our Life is also a dialogue with Brecht, with that good soul of Sezuan that we wanted to stage a few years ago.
We didn’t do it then, and this Life has explained to us years later why. Goodness understood as Aung San Suu Kyi understands it, and as before her a theory of fighters, from Rosa Luxemburg to Simone Weil, from Gandhi to Martin Luther King, from Jean Goss to Aldo Capitini, (plus the many, countless ‘happy many’ whose name we ignore), is a scandal as a heresy, or, etymologically, a choice: we choose not to give in to violence, to the law that dominates the world, we choose to remain ‘human beings’: despite everything.
Questioning ourselves about Aung San Suu Kyi’s life has meant questioning our present: what do we mean by ‘common good’? For ‘democracy’? What do words like ‘truth and justice’ mean? Does it make sense to use these words, and how? Aren’t they worn out, sacrificed on the altar of media chatter? Or do they make sense starting from the will of a serene, paradoxical, joyful ‘self-sacrifice’? Of a silent, unexhibited heroism of everyday life? Of a daily search for ‘what hell is not’, and give it breath, space, duration? “
Marco Martinelli