Luigi Ceccarelli, “Teatro come sintesi dei linguaggi artistici” (Theater as a synthesis of artistic languages), in “Qualie teatro per il domani?”, curated by Agata Tomšič / ErosAntEros – AA:VV., Editoria & Spettacolo edition, dicembre 2020
From 24 February 2020, all live entertainment activities in Italy have been suspended to contain the spread of Covid-19. A watershed date that strongly marked the already tormented and precarious Italian theatrical system, first of all hitting its most fragile realities. The international conference of POLIS Teatro Festival 2020, Which theater for tomorrow ?, of which this volume is testimony, was born during those complex weeks.
Actors, directors, playwrights, set designers, musicians, university professors, critics, artistic directors, organizers, answered five questions during the lockdown regarding the space, words, visions, languages and bodies of the theater of tomorrow. A total of 57 contributions from 11 different countries, generously donated to try to transform a moment of great difficulty into an opportunity to rethink the state of the art of theater and offer ideas for imagining a future.
contributions of
Csaba Antal, Penny Arcade, Sergio Ariotti e Isabella Lagattolla, Chris Baldwin, Anna Bandettini, Federico Bellini, Nicola Borghesi, Elena Bucci, Roberta Carreri, Luigi Ceccarelli, Ascanio Celestini, Claudio Cirri, Silvia Costa, Ian De Toffoli, Elena Di Gioia, Francesca D’Ippolito, Anna Dora Dorno e Nicola Pianzola, Federica Fracassi, Renzo Francabandera, Lucia Franchi e Luca Ricci, Martina Gamboz, Piergiorgio Giacché, Eugenio Giorgetta, Hervé Goffings, Raimondo Guarino, Gerardo Guccini, Florian Hirsch, Frank Hoffmann, Bojan Jablanovec, Borut Jerman, Chiara Lagani, Licia Lanera, Roberto Latini, Miloš Latinović, Vincent Jean Emile Longuemare, Marco Lorenzini, Maria Federica Maestri, Lorenzo Mango, Marco Martinelli, Lucia Medri, Silvia Mei, Fiorenza Menni e Andrea Mochi Sismondi, Luca Micheletti, Ermanna Montanari, Anna Maria Monteverdi, Laura Palmieri, Silvia Pasello, Maria Dolores Pesce, Andrea Pocosgnich, Pascal Rambert, Amedeo Romeo, Daniela Sacco, Benedetta Saglietti, Attilio Scarpellini, Marco Sgrosso, Magda Siti e Stefano Vercelli, Julia Varley
afterword by Marco De Marinis