Edipan editions
duration: 15′
commission: Theatre Banlieu, Bruxelles
1st performance: Bruxelles, Theatre Banlieu, Musica Libera – October 12, 1991
performers: piano – Oscar pizzo, flute – Manuel Zurria
performances of “Aura in Visibile”
Oct 12, 91 – Bruxelles, Theatre Banlieu, Musica Libera
Sep 23, 92 – Roma, Università “la Sapienza”, Festival Musica Verticale
Mar 27, 93 – Cesenatico, Teatro Comunale
May 24, 93 – Torino, Pomeriggi di Musica nuova, Teatro Juvarra
Jul 11 Lug 95 – Macerata, Rassegna di Nuova Musica, Teatro Lauro Rossi
performances as part of “Macchine Virtuose”
Oct 27, 94 – Roma, Acquario Romano, “Progetto Musica ’94”
Sep 21, 96 – Ferrara, Aterforum Festival, Teatro Comunale
“Aura In Visibile” treats the piano as a sound source which is put in vibration by external mechanical exciters. In this environment the flute’s sound and the pianist’s action wander in search of subtle variations inside the resonance.The flutist and pianist are like two explorers who try to capture the most stirring resonance of this vibrating universe and convey it to the listeners.
The vibration of the string is obtained by a mechanical system of exciters (projected by the composer) which is controlled in real time by computer.
Macchine Virtuose
CD: Edipan CCD 3062
total time: 55′
(Aura in Visibile, Aleph con Zero, Discussione del 3000, Anima di Metallo)
performers Oscar Pizzo and Manuel Zurria