01 / 01
Architecture buro



Sounds of Silences competition 2016

a competition of musical composition for the moving image The Edison Studio collective, with the support of the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers (SIAE) for the project SIAE – Classics of Today, and with the collaboration of the Cineteca di

Apr , 10
Sounds of Silences competition 2016

Caligari – Cinema Lumière Bologna

Bologna, February 29  2016 Cinema Lumière  8:30 pm Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari directed by Robert Wiene, Berlin 1919 SOUNDTRACK 5.1 by EDISON STUDIO Mauro Cardi, Luigi Ceccarelli, Fabio Cifariello Ciardi, Alessandro Cipriani

Feb , 23
Caligari – Cinema Lumière Bologna
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