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Luigi Ceccarelli

Year: 2003

News 2003

News 2003

Performances and Concerts October Dicember 2003 Oct 3, Singapore International Computer Music Conference premiere Dec 15,  Rome Goethe Institut Das Cabinett Des Dr. Caligari Decla Film – Berlin 1919 di Robert Wiene music by Edison Studio (Mauro Cardi, Luigi Ceccarelli,

Dec , 29

review of the concert in Montreal 2003

Acousmatic mini-works. Espace Go, October 16, 2003. The current edition of “Rien à Voir” discovers still unknown worlds. Thursday evening, there was the Italian-style electroacoustics. …….. The guest of the day at the console, the composer Luigi Ceccarelli, presents …

Oct , 16
review of the concert in Montreal 2003
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