Metropolis at Ravenna Festival
buy the ticket for Metropolis at Ravenna Festival
Ravenna, June 16 2023, Teatro Alighieri
Ravenna Festival
an Edison Studio production
The new live electroacoustic soundtrack of
Metropolis (1927)
a movie by Fritz Lang
duration 148 minutes
created and performed by
Mauro Cardi, Luigi Ceccarelli, Alessandro Cipriani, Vincenzo Core, Andrea Veneri
with the vocal contribution of Anna Clementi,
Martin Figura, Eric Moser, Marco Noia, and Andreas Otto
Director’s cut version with titles in German subtitled in Italian.
The film is provided by Cineteca di Bologna (restoration carried out in 2010 by
Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung and Deutsche Kinemathek)
co-commission by Milano Musica and Ravenna Festival
with the collaboration of Tempo Reale – Florence
That sound that was impossible to make then, in 1927, can be heard now, almost a century later, or in the years in which the story of the film is set. Edison Studio, an extremely expert collective of composers-performers, has created a new soundtrack for the most visionary of silent films: Metropolis, restored in the most complete version ever found. In the composition, vocal. instrumental, mechanical sounds interact with each other and with electronic and ambient sounds: sounds created ad hoc, but also drawn from sound sources borrowed from objets trouvés, from nature and the history of music. Researching and experimenting, once again, possible and “impossible” sonorities.