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Luigi Ceccarelli


Birds – Birdwatching (video) [1995]

for bass clarinet and birds songs

Birds first version 1992
Birdwatching video by Fabio Scacchioli 2014

for bass clarinet and birds songs – 1995
taken from the dance piece “Naturalmente tua” – 1992
Birds stereo version 1995, surround version – 2008
Birdwatching video version 2014, video by Fabio Scacchioli – 2014

dedicated to David Keberle

duration 9’30” – published by Edipan
commission: Armand Angster – Festival “Musica” Strasbourg
1st performance version 1995 – Strasbourg (Francia), Festival “Musica” – 07 ottobre 1995 – basso Clarinet – Armand Angster
1st performance version 2008 – Sevilla (Spagna), Congreso de Musica y Tecnologias Contemp., Reales Atarazanas – November 27,  2008– cl basso Harry Sparnaay

– Euphonie d’Or” 1993-2003 Imeb – Bourges (Fra)
– 1st prize Imeb Bourges ’96 Competition (Fra)
– Selection ICMC ’95 – Aarhus (Ned)

The idea of composing a piece in which birdsong and instrumental sounds co-exist harmoniously dates back to the early ‘90s when, together with the choreographer Lucia Latour, I created the dance performance “Naturalmente tua”. The intention was to produce a performance dedicated to nature and the music united various instrumental sounds and the sounds of natural environments. Among these natural sounds birdsong could hardly be absent, and at least a quarter of the show was dedicated to it.
The experience of creating this music led me to discover that the sounds of birds and those of reed instruments (whether single or double) are very similar, and among these the timbre of the bass clarinet is one of the most interesting. This similarity is not only to be found in the melodic songs of birds, but especially in the harsh timbres of geese or parrots, which are short nasal sounds that often have variations in rhythm and timbre based upon a single note.

In the dance performance “Birds” was a completely pre-recorded work, but it was so effective that I then made it into an independent piece. The first version was created in 1995 for the “Musica” Festival of Strasbourg and the main part was played by a live bass clarinet, accompanied by a pre-recorded base. In 1996 the piece won the prize for electro-acoustic music with live instruments at the “23me Concours International de Bourges” and it was released within a set of CDs devoted to electro-acoustic music produced by GMEB/UNESCO/CIME. In 2004, again in Bourges, it was awarded the ”Euphonie d’or”, an award given to the best pieces chosen from among the winners in the various categories of the “Concours International”.
In 2008 I made a new version of the piece for Harry Sparnaay. The pre-recorded part was entirely remixed and spatialized into seven channels, each of which was played from different loudspeakers positioned around the audience.

The piece has a strong rhythmic and repetitive character, which is a genuine virtuoso test for the performer’s ability since he must contend with a pre-recorded tape made exclusively with sampled sounds digitally arranged in very precise rhythmic sequences.
In “Birds” the sounds of the clarinet coexist harmoniously with the sounds of birds, which range from the melodious songs of rare equatorial birds to the almost human croaking noises of the Kookaburra. Repeated ostinatos and tremolos produced by the musical instrument blend with rhythmic chirpings and the cawing sounds of parrots and ravens to create a dense and compact interweaving of the sonic material. This work was realized at Edison Studio in Rome. The sampled clarinet was played by David Keberle.

Birds is also the sound for the ballet Vaerelse
choreography: Aage Thordal-Christensen – dancers: Danish Royal Ballet
commission: Danish Royal Ballet
1st performance: Copenhagen, Royal Theatre, New Wave –  January 5, 1995

An Essay on “Birds” by Katarine Norman.

Sounding Art
Eight Literary Excursion through Electronic Music
by Katarine Norman
Ashgate Editions
contents an essay on “Birds””
Buy online

Birds is published on 2 different CD

CD – Cultures Electroniques n.9 – 1996
contains Birds
contents an essay on “Birds”for bass clarinet and tape with sounds of clarinet and chirpings of birds
performer David Keberle – bass clarinet
duration: 9’25”
Compact Disc: LDC 278060/61 serie GMEB/UNESCO/CIMEMnémosyne Musique
BUY Online

CD – La guerra dei Dischi / Naturalmente tua
contains Birds
from Naturalmente Tua – 1995
performer David Keberle – bass clarinet
duration: 9’25”
Compact Disc: Edipan CCD 3054

Paolo de Gaspari
The Essential Clarinet
contains “Birds” for bass clarinet,
samples of bass clarinet and birds songs
Cd Movimento Classical B01F6D87VY

available on Apple Music and Amazon Music

performances of Birds
Sep 15, 94 – Aarhus (Denmark), Musikhuset, ICMC 1994 – solo tape
Oct 07, 95 – Strasbourg (France), Festival “Musica” – bcl Armand Angster
Dec 10, 95 – Roma (Italy), Air Terminal Ostiense, Progetto Musica 95 – bcl David Keberle
Apr 20, 96 – Wellington (New Zealand), Victoria University – solo tape
Apr 26 Apr 96 – Cagli (Italy), Teatro Comunale, Il suono di una sola mano – bcl David Keberle
May 30, 96 – Stockholm (Sweden), Fylkingen, Ny Musik & Intermedia konst
Jul 06, 96 – Pescara (Italy), Aeroporto Civile, Music Airport ’96 – bcl David Keberle
Sep 06, 96 – Cordoba (Argentina), VII Jornadas Internacionales de Musica Electroacustica, Goethe Institut
May 30, 97 – Bourges, Festival “Syntèse 97”, Palais Jacqes Coeur – bcl Serge Conte
Aug 15, 97 – San Paolo (Brasil), 33o Festival Musica Nova Istit. Cultural Itau
Dec 16, 97 – Bourges (France), Théatre Jaques Coeur – bcl Serge Conte
Dec 20, 97 – Firenze (Italy), Conservatorio “L. Cherubini”, GAMO season ‘97
Jun 09, 98 – Villach (Austria), Klangspectrum 98, Internationales Festival fur Neue Musik 8 – bcl Guido Arbonelli
Dec 04, 98 – Pesaro (Italy), Conservatorio “G.Rossini”, Sala Pedrotti- bcl Guido Arbonelli
Dec 06, 98 – Torino (Italy), Museo della fotografia, Concerti Rivegauche
Mar 04, 99 – New London (CT-USA), Minds Machines & Electronic Culture, Center for Arts and Technology at Connecticut College – bcl Tom Labadorf
Apr 26, 99 – Cagliari (Italy), Conservatory Concerts – bcl Guido Arbonelli
Nov 12, 99 – Rovereto (Italy), Festival Ondine, Philarmonic hall – bcl Roberta Gottardi
Mar 31, 00 – Roma (Italy), Emergenze 2000, Swiss Cultural Institute of Rome – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
May 29, 00 – Beograd (Serbia), International tribune of composers” in Belgrade
Jun 26, 00 – Roma (Italy), Musica XXI, Concerti di Villa Medici
Jul 06, 00 – Milano (Italy), Cantiere Castello, Cortile delle armi
Aug 29, 00 – Roma (Italy), Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna- bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Dec 04, 00 – Pittsburgh (USA), Music of the Edge, Pittsburg University – bcl David Keberle
Dec 07, 00 – New york (USA), North River Music, Greenwich House School
Dec 11, 00 – Antwerpen (Belgio), Belgian Chocolats II Festival – bcl Guido Arbonelli
MAy 29, 01 – Bologna (Italy), Conservatorio “G.B.Martini”, Serate musicali – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Jun 06, 01 – Milano (Italy), Palazzina Liberty, Il Giardino della Musica
Aug 27, 01 – Valparaiso (Chile), encuentro internacional de mùsica contemporànea, Universidad de Valparaiso
Mar 19, 02 – Berlino (Germany), Unerhöerte Musik, BKA Theater
Nov 11, 02 – Catania (Italy), Fondazione Musicale Etnea
Nov 15 , 02 – New London (CT-USA), Connecticut College of Music – bcl Tom Labadorf
Dec 01, 02 – Perugia (Italy), Conservatorio, Perugia Musica Europa – bcl Guido Arbonelli
Feb 27, 03 – Amsterdam (Nederland) STEIM -bcl Gareth Davies
Mar 05, 03 – Calgary (Canada) Festival New Work Calgary – bcl Guido Arbonelli
Oct 16, 03 – Montreal (Canada) Festival Rien à voir, Espace Go – solo tape
Oct 22, 03 – Londra (UK) Festival “Dal Niente” City University of London -bcl Gareth Davies
Nov 03, 03 – Cracovia (Poland) Audio Art Festival – bcl Gareth Davies
Nov 13, 03 – Santa Barbara (California – USA) University of Santa Barbara – bcl Gareth Davies
Nov 18, 03 – Stanford (USA) Stanford University- bcl Gareth Davies
Nov 19, 03 – Berkeley (USA) Berkeley California University – bcl Gareth Davies
Feb 05, 04 – Northridge California State University – bcl Gareth Davies
Feb 17, 04 – Catania (Italy), Auditorium ex Monastero Benedettin – bcl Guido Arbonelli
Feb 18, 04 – Siracusa (Italy), Auditorium ASAM, Assoc.Siracusana Amici della Musica – bcl Guido Arbonelli
Feb 28, 04 – Milano (Italy), Auditorium, Come To Daddy, 6 concerti notturni- bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Apr 09, 04 – Miami (Florida USA), New Music Miami ISCM Festival – bcl Guido Arbonelli
Apr 14, 04 – University of California Irvine – bcl Gareth Davies
Apr 16, 04 – Santa Fe (California, USA) Electroacoustic Music Festival – bcl Gareth Davies
May 22, 04 – Brno (Chzeck Republic) Exposition of New Music Brno – bcl Gareth Davies
Sep 25, 05 – Lodi (Italy)Festival ContemporaneaMente, Archivio Storico Comunale – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Apr 30, 06 – Belfast, (UK), Sonorities Festival, Queens University – bcl Gareth Davies
Jun 15, 06  – San Paolo (Brasil), International Biennale of Electroacoustic Music – bcl Guido Arbonelli
Nov 13, 06 – Stanford (USA), CCRMA, University of Stanford, California – bcl Gareth Davies
Feb 15, 07 – Connecticut (USA) University of Connecticut – bcl Tom Labadorf
Feb 17, 07 – Ohio (USA), Ohio State University, Bowling Green – bcl Tom Labadorf
Mar 03, 07 – Colonia (Germany) WDR Funkhaus Wallrafplatz, Nachtmusik – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Mar 04, 07 – Wanton on Thames (UK), River House, UK MicroFest 2 – bcl Guido Arbonelli
Mar 06, 07 – Vienna (Austria), Alte Schmiede, Elektronischer Frühling (solo tape)
Sep 25, 07 – Rimini (Italy), Sagra Musicale Malatestiana, Teatro degli Atti – bcl Fabio Bertozzi

versione 2008
Nov 27, 08 – Sevilla (Espana), Congreso de Musica y Tecnologias Contemp., Reales Atarazanas – bcl Harry Sparnaay
Jun 06, 09 – Barcelona, (Espana), MACBA – Museo de Arte Contemporanea – bcl Harry Sparnay
Sep 26, 09 – New York (USA), Columbia University, “The real, the symbolic, the Imaginary” – bcl Marianne Gythfeld
Sep 29, 09 – Cordoba (Argentina), XX Jornadas Internationales de Musica Electroacustica, Museo Caraffa –
bcl Eduardo Spinelli
Oct 23, 09 – Guanajuato (Mexico), Universidad de Guanajuato – Festival Cervantino
Nov 14, 09 – Roma (Italy), EmuFest – Sala Accademica Conservatorio Santa Cecilia – bcl Massimo Munari
Nov 21, 09 – Alcalà de Henares, Madrid (Espana), Universidad de Alcalá de Henares – bcl Harry Sparnaay
Feb 07, 10 – Bowling Green, Ohio (USA) Bowling Green State University’s College of Musical Arts, MidAmerican Center for Contemporary Music – bcl Marianne Gythfeld
Mar 01, 11 – University of Delaware (USA), Gore Recital Hall – bcl Marianne Gythfeld
Jun 09, 11 – Latina (Italy), Conservatorio di Musica, Le Forme del Suono, Festival di Musica contemporanea – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Sep 14, 11 – Copenhagen (Denmark) Royal Conservatory of Music – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Dec 09, 11 – Madrid (Espana), Conservatorio di Madrid, European Clarinet Congres – bcl Harry Sparnaay
Dec 12, 11 – Moscow (Russia), Moskow Forum,XII Festival di Musica Contemporanea: Russia – Italia, Moskow Conservatory, Rakhmaninof hall – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
May 26, 12 – Piteå Stadshotell (Sveden), Luleå Tekniska Universitet/Musikhögskolan, Studio Acusticum, italiensk samtidsmusik – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Mar 20, 12 – Istambul (Turkey), Technical University, Centre for Advanced Studies in Music – bcl Basar Under
Jul 28, 12 – Bagnacavallo (Italy), Lugocontemporanea, Electric Birds – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Dec 13, 12 – Helsinki (Finland), Camerata Hall of the Helsinki Music Centre – bcl Angel Molinos
Mar 10, 13 – Castellana Grotte (Ba-Italy)), Amici della Musica, Sala Fato – vcl Paolo de Gaspari
Apr 28, 13 – Vittorio Veneto (Italy), Sala del Maggior Consiglio del Museo del Cenedese – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Aug 23, 13 – Messina (Ita), 2° International Campus of Sax – bcl Sauro Berti
Oct  14, 13 – Napoli, Associazione Circolo Artistico Politecnico – bcl Sauro Berti
Oct 24, 13 – Brooklyn (NYC, USA), Brooklyn College Conservatory, Faculty Recital – bcl Maruanne Gythfeldt
Nov 30, 13 – Roma, Eufonia Clarinet Days, Teatro Sacri Cuori – bcl Sauro Berti
Aug 13, 14 – Civita di Bagnoregio (Ita), Festival “Note tra i Calanchi”  – bcl Sauro Berti
Apr 11, 15 – Forlì (Ita), Festival – Haiku Festival – Area Sismica – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Oct 30, 15 – Utrecht (NL) – Tivoli Theatre, Lauchpauzeconcert – bcl Paolo de Gaspari
May 7, 22 – Milano, Auditorium San Fedele, Season #3, Breaking Words and Music – bcl Marco Ignoti
Apr 6, 24 – Modena, Hangar Rosso Tiepido, Concerto d’Oggi, Prohibited Tapes – bcl Michele Fontana

video version 2014, Birdwatching
Apr 11, 14 – Roma, Auditorium Parco della Musica, The clarinet in my life – bcl Paolo Ravaglia
Sep 27, 14 – Firenze (Ita), Limonaia di Villa Strozzi, Tempo Reale Festival 2014 – bcl Paolo RavagliAvellinoa
Oct 18 ,14 – Moscow (Rus), Center for Contemporary Music, Conference Hall
Oct 07, 16 – Avellino, Auditorium del COnservatorio di Musica, settimane della musica contemporanea
May 17,  22 – Ekaterinburg (Russia), Freedom Yeltsin Center, Stone of the Earth – bcl Ignat Krasikov
Aug 6 -7, 22 – Moscow (Russia), Moscow Conservatory – bcl Ignat Krasikov
Del 16,  23 – Bologna, Bar Modo Infoshop, Sette Finestre -bcl Michele Fontana

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