two presentations of the Gleam CD+Album
Roma, November 11 2023, 5:30 pm
Folderol Studio c/o Kappabit
limited places, for reservations
Roma, November 22 2023, 7 pm
Auditorium Parco della Musica
Festival di Nuova Consonanza
presentation of the CD+Album
Luigi Ceccarelli – Gianni Trovalusci
electroacoustic instant composition
(Folderol / Kappabit Music – 2023)
Participants Luigi Ceccarelli, Marco Contini, Toni De Martino, Gianni Trovalusci
Digital Album, Streaming + Download
listen and purchase the Digital Album from Bandcamp
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads in MP3, FLAC and more.
Original cover art: “La clarté I” (2018-19) by Giulia Napoleone
Courtesy Galleria Il Ponte, Florence
from Il Manifesto – 19/07/2023, Mario Gamba
All the thrill of sound
Vitalism. Exhilaration of sound in all its appearances, classic and “delirious”, connected to a consequentiality and unanchored from any connection or landing. Fun to the point of hedonism. Thought from both…. at the highest level of vividness and depth. Sequences imbued with enjoyment with the pleasure of hermetically singable phrasing and seismic explosions. Suggestive changes in sound climate: there is room for sweet dawns and terrifying hurricanes. Fusion of acoustic and synthetic sounds rather than a search for distinction between the two sources of sound. Influence of jazz-derived free music? Yes, …… Rarefaction and material density alternate with souplesse. Delight!
from The New Noise – 13/07/2023, by Tony de Martino
……. 55 extraordinary minutes of music and sounds: controlled, perfect improvisation, gleam like beams of light in the Hi-Fi space.
……sparkling music, continuous feedback within compositions in progress, strong or sometimes almost imperceptible sounds, crazy and sapient interaction between the two…….. Magnificently sonic, poetic and here a little The narrow definition “Electroacoustic Instant Composition” jumps out at me, because GLEAM is emotion in its pure state, incandescent awareness of the possibilities of sound and – why not? – romantic modern music, finally available on CD …….. “this music is not made to be listened to but to be listened to within ourselves”. …..