“Zarbing” live at Teatro No’Hma – Milan

May 19 – 20, 2021, 9 pm
Spazio Teatro No’Hma – Teresa Pomodoro
International Prize “Teatro Nudo” di Teresa Pomodoro – edition XII
live performance by Edison Studio and Mahammad Ghavi Helm
with the dancers Beatrice Carbone and Mick Zeni
Mahammad Ghavi Helm – voice, zarb, daf and metal percussions
Luigi Ceccarelli – live electronics
Beatrice Carbone, Mick Zeni – dancers
Luigi Ceccarelli De Zarb à Daf
Alessandro Cipriani Bi Ma (Devoid of Self)
Fabio Cifariello Ciardi Altri Passaggi
Mauro Cardi Alba
based on texts by Jalàl ad-din Rûmi
it is possible to follow the streaming of the show on the website and the extra contents on the social media of Spazio Teatro No’hma

Zarbing is a performance in which East and West blend with a music that crosses the Iranian musical tradition and today’s electroacoustic music. Four songs, Bi Ma, Alba, Altri Passaggi and De Zarb à Daf that define worlds made of metallic, tinkling sounds, of cymbals and bells, of circular motions that pervade the scores, of inner paths, in search of oneself, the drum seen as a mystery, a bridge between heaven and earth, mother of all things and De Zarb à Daf a tribute to Maestro Tèhérani, innovator of the Zarb technique, a link between millenary manual technique and digital technology.