QO, for four flutes, at the “Escher” exibition – Ferrara
25th May 2024, Ferrara
as part of the “Escher” exhibition
Loggia di Palazzo dei Diamanti, h 15.30 and 17.30
“Geometrie sonore”
John Dowland (1563-1626)
Now, O now, I need must part (from the “Primo libro dei Madrigali”) Gabriela Mendes, soprano; Anna Giulia Simioni, alto; Thomas Gelain, tenor; Michele Gianquinto, bass; Alessio Zaccaria, lute
Mauro Cardi (1955)
QO version for four fllutes (2019)
Morena Mestieri, Mariangela Patrono, Alice Tagliavini, Matteo Storti, flutes