World Premiere Oct. 18th, 1996 Musée FRC Le Creux de l’Enfer Centre d’Art Contemporain Thiers Francia
Performers: Stefano Taglietti, pf.
Alessandro Tomassetti, percussion
Alessandro Cipriani, regia del suono
Released on CD by Edipan
for magnetic tape, piano, percussions and mixed choir
duration: 53'
in collaboration with Stefano Taglietti, texts by Bizhan Bassiri
World Premiere Oct. 18th, 1996 Musée FRC Le Creux de l’Enfer Centre d’Art Contemporain Thiers Francia
Performers: Stefano Taglietti, pf.
Alessandro Tomassetti, percussion
Alessandro Cipriani, regia del suono
Released on CD by Edipan