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Architecture buro

Author: Edison Studio


Sounds of Silences 2017 Winners

Prizes awarded at Sounds of Silences 2017 International Competition for the Moving Image On October 28 in the framework of RomaEuropa Festival 2017 at Macro di Testaccio – La Pelanda (Rome), the international jury composed by Alvin Curran (composer), Andrea

Nov , 1
Sounds of Silences 2017 Winners

Sounds of Silences final

Rome, 28 October 2017, 4 pm Romaeuropa Festival Macro Testaccio – La Pelanda . Projection of 5 movies by Buster Keaton with the music by the 5 finalists and Award Ceremony of the International Competition Sounds of Silences 2017 .

Aug , 29
Sounds of Silences final
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