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Sounds of Silences Competition – The Final

Aug , 4
Sounds of Silences Competition – The Final

A competition of Musical Composition for the Moving Image 2020
The Final

Roma, October 21th, 2020, 7 pm
RomaEuropa Festival 2020
Foyer 1 of Ex Mattatoio (Testaccio) Rome

The Edison Studio collective, with the collaboration of Romaeuropa Festival 2020 and the support of the Cineteca di Bologna (Film Archive of Bologna), presents the final event of the 5th edition of the “Sounds of Silences” International Competition of Musical Composition for the Moving Image.

Films with soundtracks created by the three finalists will be screened during the event.
Diego Ratto 
Paolo Di Rocco 
Simone Castellan
were selected from the 162 participating candidates from 36 countries.

After the projection the jury will award the prizes
The jury consisting of
Monique Veaute (president of the jury and the president of Romaeuropa Art and Culture Foundation),
Valentino Catricalà (Contemporary Art Curator -Director Art Section Maker Faire – The European Edition, Rome),
Antonio Poce (composer),
Francesco Giomi (composer – director of “Tempo Reale” – Center for Research, Production and Music Education, Florence and professor of Electroacoustic Composition at Conservatory of Bologna),

For more information: soundsofsilences@edisonstudio.it

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