announcement of the Sounds of Silences 2018 Finalists

A competition of Musical Composition for the Moving Image
Announcement of the Competition Finalists
The Edison Studio collective, with the support of the SIAE (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers) for the project “SIAE – Classics of Today“, and with the collaboration of the Cineteca di Bologna (Film Archive of Bologna) and the Romaeuropa Festival 2018, announces the results of Sounds of Silences 2018 – International Competition of Musical Composition for the Moving Image.
91 participants from 16 countries submitted their compositions to the “Sounds of Silences 2018”.
An international jury consisting of Simon Atkinson (composer and lecturer at Media School, DMU University Leicester, U.K.), Bret Battey (composer, visual artist, and reader at Media School, DMU University Leicester, U.K.), Valentino Catricalà (curator and contemporary art critic – Artistic director of Media Art Festival, Rome), Giulio Colangelo (composer, professor of Electroacoustic Music at the Conservatory of Alessandria – artistic co-director of MAIN Materia Intermedia Festival), Agostino Di Scipio (composer, professor of Electroacoustic Music at the Conservatory of L’Aquila), Ivo Nilsson (composer), Robert Normandeau, (composer and professor of Electroacoustic Composition at Montréal University, Canada), Kent Olofsson (composer and professor at Inter Arts Center – Lund University, Sweden), Paolo Pachini (composer. video-artist and professor of Audiovisual Composition at Conservatory of Trieste), Barry Truax (composer and professor at Simon Fraser University Vancouver, Canada) have selected four finalists among the entrants, who will be invited to create a soundtrack for a medium-length movie from the silent films chosen by Edison Studio in collaboration with the Cineteca di Bologna. That original soundtrack must be completed and sent to the organizers by October 20th, 2018.
We send our congratulations to the four finalists of “Sounds of Silences 2018” competition:
Angelo Maria Farro
Sebastiano Trombatore
Gruppo Twelve Lab (Giuliano Anzani – Afroditi Bitzouni – Kyriakos Charalampides)
Gruppo Meno Infinito (Andrea Veneri – Giovanni Tancredi)
An international jury consisting of Monique Veaute (president of the jury and the president of Romaeuropa Art and Culture Foundation), Valentino Catricalà (curator and contemporary art critic – artistic director of Media Art Festival, Rome), Carlo Crivelli (composer, author of movie sountracks), Alvin Curran (composer), Ivo Nilsson (composer), Andrea Ravagnan (Cineteca di Bologna), will award cash prizes to the finalists during a public event scheduled for November 3rd 2018 as part of Romaeuropa Festival 2018 at Macro Testaccio La Pelanda , Rome. During that event, dedicated to Charlie Chaplin ‘s movies, all the four soundtracks will be presented in sync with the films to the audience and the jury.
All of us at “Sounds of Silences 2018” are very grateful to all members of the jury for their excellent work.
For more information:
Sounds of Silences regulations 2018