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Battleship Potëmkin on DVD

Nov , 6
Battleship Potëmkin on DVD

DVD – Battleship Potëmkin

Cineteca di Bologna
Year: 2017
2 DVDs with booklet (68’+119’ / 80 pages)
price: 16.90 €

directed by Ejzenštejn, Sergej (Eisenstein, Sergej)

Double Audio Track
– Soundtrack by Edison Studio, 2017 (DTS 5.1 and stereo tracks)
– Original Music by Edmund Meisel, 1925 (stereo track)

Languages: Russian, Italian subtitles

Buy the DVD at Cinestore of Cineteca di Bologna

The movie is presented in this DVD with 2 different Audio Tracks: a new electroacoustic soundtrack by Edison Studio (music by Luigi Ceccarelli, Fabio Cifariello Ciardi, Alessandro Cipriani in collaboration with Vincenzo Core) and the original score by Edmund Meisel adapted and directed by Helmut Imig

logoSIAE nw-picc bianco03with the support of Società Italiana Autori ed Editori for the project “SIAE – classici di oggi”

Book contents (in Italian)
Unpublished essays by Peter von Bagh, Wu Ming 1, Emiliano Morreale, Roberto Chiesi. A conversation with Naum Kleiman, run by Bernard Eisenschitz. About Potëmkin: Léon Moussinac, Robert Desnos, Lewis Jacobs, Roland Barthes. The music for Potëmkin: Lothar Prox and Helmut Imig about the original score by Edmund Meisel, and Giulio Latini about the electroacoustic soundtrack by Edison Studio.

Rarities and detailed studies (in Italian and French languages)
Sulle tracce della Corazzata Potëmkin, documentario di Artem Demenok (2007); Il cinema secondo Ejzenštejn, una lezione di cinema di Naum Kleiman; La corazzata Potëmkin in Italia. Versioni a confronto, a cura di Roberto Chiesi e Antonio Bigini; Actualités Pathé: Les Troubles de Saint-Pétersbourg (1905) e La Révolution en Russie (1905).

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