News Edison 2002 – Crossings

Roma, November 21, 2002 – 7 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Sala Casella – piazza della Marina 24
Mahamad Ghavi-Helm –› Edison Studio ‹– Giulio Latini
soirée with music, immages, installations
with the iranian percussionist Mahamad Ghavi-Helm, the new film by Giulio Latini
and the news music by Cardi, Ceccarelli, Cifariello Ciardi and Cipriani.
7 p.m.
presentation of the film-documentary
Lorenza Mazzetti – Nel mondo del silenzio
reports by Vittorio Nevano, Giulio Latini, Alessandro Cipriani
8 p.m.
projection of the film-documentary
Lorenza Mazzetti – Nel mondo del silenzio (50 min.)
directed by Giulio Latini
music by Alessandro Cipriani
9:30 p.m.
Mahamad Ghavi-Helm, zarb, daf, voice and percussions
Alessandro Cipriani – Bi Ma (Devoid of Self) (2002) – première
for percussions, voice and electronics
Mauro Cardi – Alba (2002) – première
for zarb and eletctronics
Fabio Cifariello Ciardi – Altri Passaggi (2001)
for two zarbs, two dafs and electronics
Luigi Ceccarelli – De Zarb à Daf (1997)
for zarb, daf and eletctronics
Edison Studio – live electronics and sound direction
Gianfranco Lucchino – space and light design