on 21 October 2020 at the Foyer 1 of the Ex Mattatoio (Testaccio), Rome, as part of the RomaEuropa Festival 2020, the final evening of the fifth edition of the Sounds of Silence competition took place. During the event, the films assigned with the finalists’ soundtracks were screened.
Subsequently the jury awarded the following prizes
Diego Ratto – first prize
The music effectively represents the director’s restless attention to a threatened and deformed contemporary reality, not without figures of amorous correspondences, so
as the author draws them from his own interiority.
Simone Castellan – second prize
The drama of a humanity threatened by the flames of conflicts, originating clearly from social inequalities, is well represented through an ingenious organization of expressive means.
The formal articulation of the composition is also good, enhancing the poetic quality of the entire film.
Paolo Di Rocco – third prize
At the same time, he was able to grasp the dramatic meaning of the subject and the poetry of the graphic sign.
Music “animates” the film in its fullest dimension.
The musical technical choices affirm the current peaceful synthesis between tradition and experimentation.
The jury was made up of:
– Valentino Catricalà (curator and critic of contemporary art – director of the ART Section of the Maker Faire, The European Edition, Rome),
– Francesco Giomi (composer – director of the Tempo Reale center in Florence and professor of Electroacoustic Music Composition – Conservatory of Bologna),
– Antonio Poce (composer)
– Giulia di Giovanni (for the Romaeuropa Art and Culture Foundation).
For information: soundsofsilences@edisonstudio.it